Warehouse Operative 仓库卸货员 jobs (Bristol)

Open vacancies for the position - Warehouse Operative 仓库卸货员 - in 168 EXPRESS LTD. Follow the link at the bottom of the description to a job.

Company name 168 EXPRESS LTD
City Bristol
Country England
Job added 2021-05-30 15:35:39
公司长期招聘兼职 职位Position:仓库管理员/Warehouse Operative 地点Location:Caldicot, 在Newport旁边,离Bristol开车20分钟,离Cardiff开车40分钟 刻苦耐劳,努力主动,有良好团队合作精神 会基本英文,有仓库工作经验优先 会开叉车优先… Apply for a Job

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